It's almost funny how medical professionals and others simply assume the correlation between vaccination and outcomes at a population level is causal.

Age is still the strongest predictor followed by obesity and other co-morbidities. Has there ever been an RCT of the vaccines on a group of over 60's controlling for these confounders???

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No RCT that I'm aware of... seems like a real blind spot.

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You nailed it. Besides age (which we can't do anything about), obesity and vitamin D deficiency are leading indicators in bad covid outcomes.

So government told us to sit inside and watch Netflix.

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I'm curious how closely the booster uptake map aligns with democrats/republicans population stats.

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Updated post with a couple of graphs. Strong relationship.

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This is very helpful and easy to understand.

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I’ve seen others write about low vax countries having low excess death at this point. Can the same be seen in the US county data?

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I am not aware of good, recent data on excess deaths by county. Would love to do this analysis if I had a source for the data.

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Again, such interesting data and so well presented - thank you! While not surprising, just so sad to see I live in one of the few few "green counties". Most are still wearing masks too.

https://coronavirus.marinhhs.org/vaccine/data 172 of our 273 deaths have been in nursing homes; 71% over 75 years old. Also - should map of bivalent booster uptake show BLUE for high and RED for low? (switched?) We are as blue as you can get here in Marin County :)

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oops. fixed 🙏

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So interesting, thank you for presenting the information in another way. 👍🏽🙏

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Excellent post. Thanks.

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The scatter plot is impressive and shows a strong correlation.

Love to see your fit and Rsq values on this.

My steel construction design manual show scatter plots of steel failure. The best fit of these failure scatter plots were used to develop design relationships for columns and beams. The steel failure scatter plots look much worse than what you presented here and we still use them. But to be safe, there is always a safety factor applied to prevent structural failure in any structural design.

For the geeks and nerds I was taught using the

Allowable Stress Design, published 1989 and this is the manual I am referring to.

Its a shame that no safety factors and quality controls were used in the development of the shots and boosters. Human lives wasted ......

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Another huge unmentioned confounder: Even if the vax were useless, it likely has a placebo effect. There is a big mental component to seeking medical help for respiratory infections. Unvaxxed were told to expect severe illness. Vaxxed were told that COVID would be minor. (sorry to re-post)

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amazes me that people continue to be fat and smoke(and continue to not take advantage of eduction!)....no wonder their life expectancy is so sort...crazy that you are the only one reporting this....

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