Bravo. I would note that triple-dosing overlaps with the run up to Omi in the elderly and with the Omi switch in younger adults. So you can see the elderly course-correcting after triple dosing in the weeks 40 and onward.

This raises the question of whether, without that course correction, rates would continue to elevate relative to unvaxxed. Presumably if there were enough “susceptibles” it could have kept raising into the winter. And so it would seem that Omi escapes the likely transient protection of third doses.

Does it actually “exploit” the vax in any way, or is this just a case of removing temporary positive efficacy from the group so that now only negative efficacy remains? Or is negative efficacy an illusion due to broken denominators for the unvaxxed, in which case all that is shown is Omi removing temporary positive efficacy (classic vaccine escape)? I would say I am mostly leaning to the middle option. Omi is only “enhanced” by the vaccine in that there’s no more temporary positive efficacy to hide negative efficacy.

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One has to wonder why the government health agencies aren't doing this research! Or maybe they are (which is why they stopped publishing data which was clearly unfavourable to the jabs). The general population who trusted the NHS and rolled up their sleeves again and again have clearly been taken for fools. The vaccines seem to just enhance your chances of re-infection (alongside your chances of death from the side effects of the jabs).

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GREAT work.

You: "whether the vaccine still improves your outcome if you do get COVID."

Suggest looking at temporary outcome improvement. Thesis: adjuvants and NOT spike protein anti-bodies increase disease resistance by temporary upcycling of immune system post-injection. This, I believe, is a standard effect in may vaccines. That would make the body more resistant to any virus until the effect subsides. I argue that it matches most data I have seen and the above, as well.


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Is Omicron optimized to escape the vax or does the vax just not work on any variant of Covid ?

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The hypothesis that the vax does not prevent infections for any variant would be consistent with seeing infection rates be nearly equal among the vaccinated & unvaccinated. This is not too far from the case during Delta as seen in the graphs above. However, Omicron appears to hit the vaxxed far more than the unvaxxed... this would support the hypothesis that somehow the vaccine is accelerating Omicron infections. "Escape" is probably the wrong choice of words.

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