Basic risk management shows those who are most susceptible to pregnancy (mostly young women) are least susceptible to covid. In a rational world it would be irrational to accept an unnecessary risk from vax to allay insignificant risk from infection. But our world is currently irrational, and pregnant ladies will have trouble finding medical care if they don't submit their health and their babies to insane medical orthodoxy. But the same folks who demand pregnant mothers take that unnecessary risk claim its okay to kill babies for any reason, or no reason at all. It's a dangerous world, and those who hope to survive need to get creative. And assertive. If we tolerate tyranny, medical or otherwise, we'll get more.

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How could any potential parent trust a medical care provider who advocates an untested covid "vaccine" for a pregnant woman on the one hand, and then, tells her to not take aspirin or ibuprofen, due to risks?

Thanks for the update, the information is enlightening, but completely depressing.

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Pregnant women were excluded from the Pfizer trial. But how many do you think were told before getting injected!

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I was thinking that. Or even recommending mask wearing outside. Do doctors actually believe what they’re saying

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Thanks for this analysis! I'm so glad to see that someone's interested, and running the numbers, such as they are. I have a hunch that there's some ugliness in the Q4 maternity outcomes numbers for 2021... but that data's not available yet. 6-12 month reporting lag in most places.

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It takes at least a generation to determine the safety category of medications administered during pregnancy and breastfeeding, though almost none are category A (safe). "Experts" and doctors debate the safety of consuming a cup of coffee or deli meats, yet somehow, with absolutely no pregnant or nursing women in any of the vax studies, we are to believe these same "experts" determined the clot shots safe for pregnancy?

No medical professional in their right mind would encourage injecting this mystery poison into a pregnant woman. Period. I shudder to think of the babies who survived this sick experiment, what lasting effects will become known years later. Sick.

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My wife and I had to experience pregnancy during this insane time. I wrote about the studies that led to the recommendation for pregnant women in Spain (although I think it was the same in other countries) here:


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They can claim Plausible deniability down the road when things start getting real ugly

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