Actually not a good comparison, but a great metaphor. Smells are the result of molecules acting on sensors in the nose, sending signals to the brain that are interpreted as odors. In the case of odorous flatulence, the functional molecule is hydrogen sulfide, which has a diameter about a third of a nanometer. Sars virus is couple hundred nm, so it's less transmissable than hydrogen sulfide molecules, though still much smaller than mask fabric, which is why MASKS DONT WORK. A mask that blocks particles that size would also block oxygen, so would only be effective couple minutes, after which masking is moot.

A closer, and less offensive, comparison was posted on tube in 2020, since banned, showing smoke exhaled while wearing a variety of commercial masks. All of them prodigiously leaked smoke particles, which are more similar size to virus.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by T Coddington

Ok, another analogy. Would anyone use a condom made from a surgical mask? Sperm cells are much bigger than viruses, but I doubt anyone would trust mask material for contraception or safe sex.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by T Coddington

Love your posts!

On this subject, aside from the religious aspect of this mask cult, there is of course little data to support cloth masking. To establish that, we need the numbers on what percentage of air actually goes through the fabric and the studies of what size particles are involved in transmission (I can refer you if you like)

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Yes but think how much worse it would have been without the masks ;)

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Well I know what the maskoids would say: masks reduce transmission by 6.5% (or other similarly tiny irrelevant percentage) and it all adds up and maybe one fewer in a thousand people exposed gets covid.

Yeah MAYBE. But 6.5% less fart smell is still fart smell.

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So if I say "There is something rotten in the State of Denmark mask studies.", I can now irritate Shakespeare lovers, mask proponents, and now odorologists? Awesome!!

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