Not sure I follow.... the fully vaccinated goes up over time (those are the red syringes), while the hospitalizations (solid lines) go up and down. I think there is one brief spot in Middle Atlantic where fully vaccinated went down, which I assume is a reporting glitch in that area.
Now I see the confusion... I put the label % vaccinated is pointing at the hospitalization line. Probably not a best practice... Since it's easy to see where hospitalizations peaked, but harder to trace the vaccination % over to the right axis at that point, I was just trying to help by labeling at what level of vaccination the region was at the point in time the peak occurred. Hope this helps 😉
Gonna print this on 80 lb. card stock and send it out bulk mail.
Good data. Thanks!
Thanks, but I’m confused. Why does fully vaccinated percent go down over time?
Not sure I follow.... the fully vaccinated goes up over time (those are the red syringes), while the hospitalizations (solid lines) go up and down. I think there is one brief spot in Middle Atlantic where fully vaccinated went down, which I assume is a reporting glitch in that area.
Now I see the confusion... I put the label % vaccinated is pointing at the hospitalization line. Probably not a best practice... Since it's easy to see where hospitalizations peaked, but harder to trace the vaccination % over to the right axis at that point, I was just trying to help by labeling at what level of vaccination the region was at the point in time the peak occurred. Hope this helps 😉
Hello from the UK. Thanks for that. I prefer to say that:
1. The vaccines contain if anything poisons.
2. Since when has poisoning been good for public health?
I don't anybody should disagree with that!
Thank you so much for the explanation!