Per the CDC , there have been 9 deaths in the US due to the J&J COVID vaccine. By omission, I assume that means they have found zero due to Pfizer or Moderna:
Interestingly, Australia (population ~ 1/12 the US population) had 66% more deaths due to COVID vaccines in 2021 alone:
As for England (population ~ 1/6 of the US), there have been ~5x as many deaths due to the vaccine:
Let’s recap:
US: Population 330 million, 9 deaths due to vaccine
Australia: Population 26 million, 15 deaths in 2021 due to vaccine
England: Population 56 million, 47 deaths due to vaccine
It seems incumbent upon the CDC to immediately work with the health agencies of Australia and the UK to improve their administration of the vaccines. Clearly the US has some unique way of preventing deaths from the vaccines that these countries are unaware of.
Perhaps it’s important to eat a cheeseburger directly after vaccine administration?
Having your possible vaccine death counted by the CDC makes you MUCH LESS LIKELY TO DIE than having it counted by the UKHSA.
Thank you CDC for making Americans less likely to die from Covid vaccines and thank you science
USA! USA! USA! USA! I'm hoping I read this correctly and took away the right message. :)